Congratulations to our Scholarship Recipients!

December 2020

It’s been an honour and a delight in the last couple of months to have several of our young Police Legatees come in (or zoom in) to the office to be presented with scholarships.

We are very grateful to Commissioner Fuller for making time in his busy schedule to come in and personally present the awards to Mackenzie Baker and Joshua Small. Mackenzie has been a regular on Police Legacy adventure camps, where she is always a role model for the younger Police Legatees. During lockdown she encouraged social connection with other Legatees by organising online Scattergories competitions, highlighting the caring approach she takes to every aspect of her life. Joshua is a keen rugby player and sports person, and he too has taken on a role model and leadership role for younger Legatees. The final recipient, Archie Crooks, was not able to come in to meet the Commissioner, but received his award from our Chair Gary Merryweather later. Archie has just finished his HSC, and dreams of studying business/politics/media in the USA one day.

The Sean Burns Scholarship was presented by Kellie Burns via zoom to more very deserving young Police Legatees. The Scholarship, in honour of Kellie’s brother NSW Police Officer Sean Burns, gives each recipient a $500 contribution towards their dreams of sporting excellence. Kellie was joined by Mackenzie Hollibone and Maddy Powell. The other recipients – Emily and Teegan Sammut, and Luke and Elli Steel – were unfortunately unable to attend.

Mackenzie’s sporting dreams are very clear: she wants to be a world-class show jumper, something it seems she is very well on the way towards. Maddy is studying a Cert III and IV in Fitness, and was very grateful for the money which will assist her further studies.

And finally, the Bill Crews Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Ocean Hapmton via zoom. The Scholarship honours the memory of Detective Constable William Crews, a dedicated young officer who was killed on duty in 2010, and supports young police officers who are carrying on a family tradition of policing by rewarding them financially on completion of their Constable Education Program. The selection process this year was a highly competitive one, and we offer our sincere congratulations to the very deserving recipients.

And finally, the Bill Crews Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Ocean Hampton via zoom. Ocean has been employed by the NSWPF at South Sydney PAC since her attestation in 2018. The Scholarship honours the memory of Detective Constable William Crews, a dedicated young officer who was killed on duty in 2010, and supports young police officers who are carrying on a family tradition of policing by rewarding them financially on completion of their Constable Education Program.

The selection process this year was a highly competitive one, and we offer our sincere congratulations to the very deserving recipient.