From the Chair: Dec 2020

December 2020

We are drawing to the end of a totally unpredictable year that I know many would rather forget than reflect on. It is important however that we recognise our Legacy Family has been fortunate to be spared any deaths from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Board of Police Legacy made the very difficult decision early to suspend all our social events due to the vulnerability of many of our legatees. Hindsight tells us that this was the right decision. We now hope 2021 will allow a new normal, where we can provide much-valued social connection through our Local Area Lunches and other social events.

We are delighted at the loyalty of our community and corporate supporters who stuck with us throughout 2020, allowing us to continue to provide support and assistance to our Legatees. As people often say you need the worst to see the best in people, and we certainly saw that this year.

We hosted the Remembrance Bike Ride in a very different, COVID-safe format this year. On 15 November more than 100 riders around the state helped us raise over $60,000. The Ride was kicked off on the Friday before with an outstanding effort from Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon and Police Bank Board Member Raff Del Vecchio, who rode 300km around Centennial Park and surrounds. This was a great effort by both, and they were not only able to raise funds for Police Legacy but were great Ambassadors for the Police Family and Police Legacy.

Following all of the COVID protocols, we are greatly looking forward to our Kids’ Christmas Party at Madam Tussauds and the Sydney Aquarium in early December, and to our Kids’ Adventure Camp in January at Milson Island on the Hawkesbury River. We are sure all will enjoy the many activities on offer, and I can’t wait to hear the reports of their adventures!

There is no doubt that 2020 has presented more than its fair share of challenges for us all but as a family we have managed to navigate our way through. We also had 19 new young Legatees join our Police Legacy family this year, and we welcome them with open hearts and arms. We know we can never fill the empty seat at your Christmas dinner tables, but we will be there to support you along the long road ahead with all its challenges.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and our fantastic staff members we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year. We look forward to catching up with you all in 2021.