June 2024
Our 22nd Blue Ribbon Ball honouring the memory of Senior Constable Glenn McEnallay VA was magnificent. The NSW Police Legacy team ran an exceptional event, truly honouring the Police Family and the bravery of our passed Police Officers. And all the key roles were held by legatees! The main speech was beautifully delivered by Kylie Chell, with the support of her son Tom. Our Master of Ceremonies Soraya Calavassy wowed the crowd with her beauty and presence. Our headliner entertainer was the sensational Phil Burton who sang like the angel he is and had the dance floor cracking. It was a real showcase of talent, great presence, and just how phenomenal our legatees are – especially in light of the life-changing loss of their police officer.
Thank you to the volunteers that helped during the weeks leading up to the event, and then on the night. You all did a fantastic job; it’s true that many hands make light work. The Commissioner was joined by the Governor and the Police Minister, who spoke so highly of Police Legatees and their ongoing support of Police Legacy. I encourage you all to come next year. The night just keeps getting better and better.
Also in March was the Sydney Metro 1000 at Picton Go-Karts, where twenty teams of Go-Karts raced for the Kelly Foster Trophy. It was awesome, and I got to wave the flag when the winner crossed the finish line! There were teams from all over NSW, with one young Constable coming down all the way from Moree to participate. Sgt Leemon and his team from Liverpool did an outstanding job.
The generosity of our Police Family continues to be so heart-warming. One of Legacy’s scholarships is the Sean Burns sporting Scholarship, organised each year by Sean’s sister Kellie Burns. This year the family have truly gone above and beyond, with Kellie’s husband Andrew responding to our request and donating a road bicycle for young legatee Paul Marks Gray, who will be participating in the Police Legacy Remembrance Bicycle ride in September.
Family Day at Government House was lovely. The Governor came out and spoke to the Legatees while the NSW Police Band played beautiful tunes on the very green grass of the Governor’s Mansion.
After the long-anticipated refurbishment of the Police Service Memorial, we returned to the Sydney Police Centre to commemorate police employees who passed in 2023. The families proudly laid tributes to their much-loved police employees. The Premier, Minister for Police, and Commissioner also paid their tributes in this very special part of the traditions of the NSW Police Force.
In April we had the Defensive Driver night for Police Legatees at Eastern Creek. What a success. There was much fun on the skid pan with Legatees learning the best way to defensively drive and stay safe. This was supported by Driving Solutions and Beat the Blue who freely give their time, resources, and expertise to make sure our legatees get the experience to drive well and safely. Coming up on 29 June 2024, Champion of Traffic & Highway Patrol, Sergeant Planinic and his team have arranged for Beat the Blue to return to Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek. Keep your eye on our social media for details. We are also greatly looking forward to the July Kids’ Camp in the Northern Territory.
Be well.