Buns for BACKUP

June 2019

In April 2019, one of our BACKUP for Life “graduates”, Robert Breed, raised nearly $1,000 for Police Legacy through his Bakers Delight “Bundraiser” – donating part proceeds of every packet of hot cross buns sold. It was a magnificent effort, not only raising a significant amount of money (and keeping a lot of people very well fed!), but also raising our profile in the community. 

We can’t claim any credit for Robert’s efforts, but we are so very proud of him. Robert went through BACKUP for Life programs including career coaching, and also received a Career Development Incentive grant (these grants are available to assist both former NSW police officers and their spouses, and successful applications can receive up to $2,000). It’s wonderful to see how successfully Robert has made this transition, and we thank him for his abundant generosity in giving back.