Adventure Camp: Jan 2021

February 2021

January’s Adventure Camp was held on Milson Island, and for some Police Legatees it was the first time they had seen each other for nearly a year. As you might expect, the reunions were happy ones!

The young legatees spent their time in the pool, trekking across the island and learning about its native plant life and Indigenous and settler history, learning or practising their archery skills, kayaking on the Hawkesbury River, taking part in a “photo scavenger hunt”, and working out how to build rafts from an odd assortment of planks, milk crates, ropes, and milk containers. Oh, and getting competitive in the handstand and planking stakes! (Congratulations Tara Marsh and Tom Chell, respectively).

The group welcomed nine new legatees from Terrigal, Boambee, Coffs Harbour, Bowral, and Engadine, who joined for their first of what we hope will be many more camps. Included in this number were Harry and Flynn Tobin, who, along with their father Sean, presented the Tara’s Gift Award for leadership on camp to Ainsley Baker.

Ainsley did an amazing job acting as Roving Reporter during camp (take a look at our Facebook page if you’d like to read her full reports), so we think it only fitting that the last word goes to her.

“My fellow legatee Keely Gray and myself both shed tears and said goodbyes and thank yous to our supervisors, as it was our last camp, and joined in with a big group hug with the rest of our legacy family.”